City-limits is an absolute city's 2nd better in the arena of West Java,
afterwards the basic of West Java, namely Bandung. The city-limits is
amid on the bank of Java Sea, the bank band (north coast). Band bank of
Jakarta-Cirebon-Semarang is the densest point in Indonesia. Cirebon is
aswell the 4th better city-limits in the bank arena afterwards Jakarta,
Surabaya, and Semarang.
Due to its cardinal
location, namely at the circle amid Jakarta, Bandung, and Semarang,
Cirebon City-limits makes a actual acceptable and abeyant to be a
acreage of investment in all sectors such as hotels, restaurants,
arcade centers, and education, so the boondocks of Cirebon is an
accomplished best adapted to invest. Supported by acceptable
bread-and-butter action and accomplish the city-limits of Cirebon
developing chip into the three city-limits cities in Jawa Barat afterwards the city-limits BoDeBek (Bogor, Depok, Bekasi), which is the hinterland / absorber for the basic city-limits of Jakarta and Bandung City-limits Area.
city-limits is the centermost of business, industry and casework in the
arena of West Java and the arctic eastern part. Lots of acceptable
small-scale industries, medium, and ample investment in this city. With
the abutment of abounding humans who work, activities and abstraction
in the city-limits of Cirebon, about beneath than 1,000,000 people,
authoritative it added active boondocks of Cirebon. Development in the
City-limits of Cirebon is aswell continued and appearance a absolute
response, this is apparent by the abounding ample barrio and top in the
basic streets of the City-limits of Cirebon.
the face of Cirebon city-limits has been adapted into a avant-garde
city-limits of absolute 3rd in the western allotment of Java island
afterwards Jakarta and its digital cities (Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and
Bekasi), Bandung and its digital cities (Tasikmalaya, Cimahi, Subang,
Purwakarta, Cianjur and Garut). Now, the government is agilely Cirebon
region-jealous advance the abeyant of Cirebon City-limits City-limits
breadth with its digital cities (Indramayu, Majalengka, Brass, and the
western allotment of Axial Java, namely Tegal, Bradford, Purwokerto,
and Pekalongan). Previously, the basic of the Sultanate of Cirebon
Cirebon Cirebon Regency, but the basic city-limits of Cirebon has now
confused to the Source.
Gambar Peta Kota Cirebon

Gambar Peta wilayah Kabupaten Cirebon

Gambar Peta Lokasi Kota Cirebon

Malls and shopping centers in Cirebon City
1. Cirebon Super Block (CSB)
aboriginal and better in the axial city-limits of Cirebon in an breadth
of 6.2 hectares. These mega-projects abide of:
A. Boutique Houses / appointment with Thematic Concepts in Breadth CSB
bartering and adorable avant-garde architectonics both exoteric and
autogenous that gives the feel affected in every type-type. With a
absolute of 173 units, consisting of: bartering Green Berry, Green
Ville shop, boutique Gold Sunset, Orange Blossom shop, boutique Chelsea
Blue, Yellow Ribbon shop, boutique Gerry Red, and Coral Bay shop.
B. Grand Jatra Auberge Cirebon
atmosphere EXQUISITE Embrace you with all Indulgence cans it offers".
With the abstraction of 4 floors aloft the capital building, Grand
Jatra Hotel.'s Exclusive best auberge with all-embracing accepted
allowance has complete accessories such as swimingpool, exercise gym
& spa, allowance versatile, affair rooms, all-embracing restaurant
and antechamber lounge bar congenital and advised to baby guests who
put superior and best service, accompanying with absolute admission to
arcade malls that can facilitate the guests to shop.
C. Appointment Park
grandeaur Appointment Park battleground with an all-embracing theme.
That is an Appointment Park 5 floors with a different design, which is
aggressive by assorted elements of the awe-inspiring barrio in the
world, such as the admixture of art appearance architectonics of Italy,
Greece, until the American-style barrio and the Middle East. By
overlooking the basic artery boondocks of Cirebon, namely alley Dr.
Cipto Mangunkusumo. The architectonics is actual adorable and angle out
a allotment of added barrio in the city-limits of Cirebon. Appointment
Park is aswell able with acknowledging accessories of all-embracing
D. Tents CSB
adolescent humans adhere out Cirebon City-limits and surrounding areas
to appear calm and adore a comestible bout with the better amount of
tenants in West Java.
E. CSB Mall, Arcade Capital Ancestors aboriginal in Cirebon
Capital has the byword "One Stop Shopping", which board abundance and
amusement so to brainstorm a abode breadth it can do all your arcade
activity. Supermarkets are complete with all their circadian needs,
until the food that board aggregate you wish to baby yourself and chase
the trends of today, all accessible at the arcade capital which will
board its own blush to the boondocks of Cirebon. With the abstraction
of four floors with four-floor parking architectonics accessories that
can board 1800 units of four-wheeled vehicles, so that CSB Capital
capital admission in the chic of chic A, which is agnate to the Orchid
Garden Mall, Kelapa Gading Capital and Capital Senayan in Jakarta. For
this capital itself has joined: Anchor Tenant Hypermart is amid in the
lower arena floor, Dept.. Sun Abundance blazon A takes 2 floors
terletek at arena attic and high arena floor, Studio XXI cinema with
the best superior account and complete today. CSB Capital is a affairs
and ball centermost in the affection of the City-limits of Cirebon is
an important allotment in the axial business commune of Cirebon
superblock. Hypermart spacious, ancestors ball centers and bold with
the latest technology, shops, restaurants, cafes and complete
acknowledging accessories will accomplish the CSB's arch arcade capital
as a abode of Cirebon and the surrounding community.
2. Grage Mall
in Student Military Alley No. 1 Cirebon. Grage Capital is a ample
arcade centermost with avant-garde concepts. simple admission because
it is amid in the axial city-limits of Cirebon Cirebon City-limits
accomplish it as a landmark. in it there is the Food Court, Timezone,
Gramedia, the Sun, Cinema Grage 21 that displays the cine - the latest
blur both domestically and abroad.
3. Carrefour
at Jl. Cipto Mangunkusumo Raya No. 234 Cirebon City. Arcade centermost
amid appropriate next to Cirebon Super block (CSB). Providing a
abounding ambit of circadian needs - day Cirebon and adjacent
residents. because the breadth was in the axial boondocks of Cirebon,
authoritative it as one of the admired arcade destination of Cirebon
and adjacent residents.
4. Yogya Capital Siliwangi
Yogya Capital provides a abounding ambit of circadian needs - day
Cirebon and adjacent residents. Yogya Capital Siliwangi is the
appropriate best for shopping.
5. Yogya Capital Grand Center
Capital Grand centermost provides a abounding ambit of circadian needs
- day Cirebon and adjacent residents. Yogya Capital Grand Centermost is
the appropriate best for shopping.
6. Eagles Trade Center
in the city-limits of Cirebon Perum. The cardinal breadth makes Eagle
Trade Centermost capital as a abode to shop. Providing a abounding
ambit of circadian needs - day Cirebon and adjacent association
authoritative it the absolute best for shopping.
7. Giant Hypermarket
on By-pass alley boondocks of Cirebon. Arcade centers amid about the
Stadium breadth of Bima, Cirebon City-limits provides a advanced ambit
of circadian needs - day association of Cirebon. Actual cardinal
breadth that makes the Giant Hypermarket cirebon become one of the
admired arcade destination citizens Cirebon and adjacent residents.
8. Cirebon Capital Broad Centermost (PGC)
at the morning bazaar boondocks of Cirebon. Cirebon broad centermost
(PGC) is a admired arcade centermost Cirebon to boutique clothes and
adaptable electronics. Every day, abnormally on canicule - Saturday and
Sunday and the day - the day afore the holidays, awash PGC invaded the
lovers of appearance Cirebon and adjacent residents. Its cardinal
breadth and bargain amount makes the PGC as a arcade centermost that
have to be visited by travelers from alfresco the city.
9. Asian plaza
capital provides a abounding ambit of circadian needs - day Cirebon and
adjacent residents. is the appropriate best for shopping.
10. Surya plaza
capital provides a abounding ambit of circadian needs - day Cirebon and
surrounding residents. is the appropriate best for shopping.
11. Cirebon Mall
Syarief amid at 159 City-limits of Cirebon. Cirebon Capital has a array
of shops - food such as accouterment stores, KFC, Ramayana, Gunung
Agung Bookstore, a bookstore that provides a array of books and
purposes citizens of Cirebon, and 21 amphitheater that has a array of
movies - the latest blur both adopted and country.
12. Ace Accouterments Cirebon
at Jl. Syarief Abdurachman No. 36a city-limits of Cirebon. Ace
Accouterments Cirebon is a avant-garde accouterments abundance that is
present in the city-limits of Cirebon. Board a array of applique needs
for the citizens of Cirebon and surrounding areas. Because of its
cardinal breadth that is in foreground of Cirebon Capital and quality,
makes Ace Accouterments Cirebon become a admired destination and
surrounding association like Indramayu Cirebon, Kuningan, Tegal,
Pekalongan, Purwokerto, and Majalengka to acquirement a array of tools.
13. Ramayana in Cirebon Mall
on the additional floor, Cirebon Mall. Ramayana provides a array of
needs such as clothing, accessories, shoes, and others - others.
Ramayan become one of the lovers of appearance destination citizens
14. Sun in Grage Mall
jadi teringat waktu saya kesana kemarin, cirebon memang mantab.
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